Tuesday, August 23, 2011

26 weeks

Well, this was the first week of school and it has been a bit stressful. But with a new routine and new students, it is to be expected. With the stress of school has come the worst heartburn/indigestion I've ever had. And I'm sure Raelynn isn't helping it any. :)
She is doing well. I am definitely feeling her kick more and all over. Some times I feel her high and low, and sometimes I feel her from side to side. I was wondering tonight if maybe it's her butt bumping me in the side. :) I've also been thinking that I hope she doesn't get tangled up in there with all of the moving she's been doing. There is no rhyme or reason to her movement either. Sometimes it's early in the morning when I first get up, sometimes it's when I'm going to bed, and sometimes its during the day.
I have finally hit the single digits as to how many days we have left until she gets here. 97 days today, 14 weeks, 3 months. So depends on how you look at it, it seems like we have a long ways to go, and another way you look at it, it seems like we don't have much time at all. My mom and dad were cracking me up this weekend planning butchering and things like that around Raelynn. Makes it so much more real!
I hope everyone has a great week!

The Thomas Family

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