Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hopefully this will become a weekly thing. I want to keep track for my self, for my baby, and to keep everyone updated.
About the last week in March, I was supposed to start again. We had been trying since August and had thought we were pregnant in February. We went to the doctor, very excited, only to find out we weren't pregnant. So I decided to start tracking my temperature. I tracked for about 40 days, and didn't really see a change, and my temp didn't come down like they said it would. So, one morning we were getting ready and Ryan was in the shower. I decided to just take the test I had left over. Sure enough, it was positive! I was so excited and couldn't believe it! So on my way to work, I text a friend and asked what time she thought Dollar General opened. She drove by and said 8:00. So I went by before work and bout 5 of their $1 tests. The lady at the counter said that I really wanted to be sure! And I did! So, I went into work and took the 5 tests and sure enough, they were all positive too! I text Ryan a picture of the tests and had to tell the ladies in the office at work! They were all very excited because they knew we had been trying.
So, since then, I have had 2 doctors appointments and 1 ultrasound. The ultrasound was just to make sure of the due date and to see if I had any cysts on my ovaries. (I also found out in all of the blood work that I have high testosterone.) Ryan got to go with me and it was SOOOO cool! We got to see our Chicken Butt Little and hear its heartbeat! The tech said everything looked good and that the heartbeat was about 165. She said it was a wiggly baby and she had a hard time finding and keeping the heartbeat.
At my last doctor's appointment, I also got to hear the heartbeat again. It was at about 168. The doctor had a hard time finding it too and it wasn't there long. Still very cool! I had only gained about 5 pounds in the first 10 weeks. My next doctor appointment is June 8th. She said then we would set up the appointment for my next sonagram to figure out the sex.
I have not had any morning sickness, but have felt nauseous. I often have a hard time taking my vitamins in the evening. The other thing that has been not so hot is the amount of saliva due to my allergies. I'm having to drink hot tea or cider, which I am not looking foward to when it gets warmer.
I have had several cravings. For a while it was milk, and then slushies. Now its bagels and cream cheese and still milk. There isn't anything I can't eat, however supper tonight of fish about made me sick.
I did by a belly band so I can wear my regular pants. I wore it this weekend and it was ok. I'll be glad when I have some maternity pants.

School is almost over. 3 1/2 more days of students, and 7 more days of driving to Warrensburg for work. Then I will be driving to Lees Summit Mondays through Thursdays for class. 3 more classes until I can be done with graduate classes! I still have to work on my paper, but I'm going to take all year to do that.
Ryan has a job in town after being unemployed for 4 months. He is the maintenance guy at the local outlet mall, 9-5. Now I remember what it is like to have him passionate about work. Well, I don't know about passionate, but he is already trying to figure out what he is going to do and how he is going to make it his own. Fishing will become an evening and weekend thing.
Oh, and I turn 24 in 3 days....
Thats all for now.


1 comment:

  1. Hey there, sweetie!

    Your mom told me the good news. It really choked me up when she told me you were going to have a baby. I said, "Gosh, it feels like yesterday that Jess was babysitting my kids." Now you are going to have one of your own. Since you and your sister are my "adopted" nieces, I claim "Aunt" status for your kiddo! Ha! I hope you are feeling better. I'm so glad you are doing this blog. Just because I'm not down the road anymore, doesn't mean I'm out of your life. I'll be checking in on this site to keep track of you.

    Love and Hugs,
