Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Woah Nelly! 4 months!

Well, Raelynn is now 4 months as of yesterday! Our little missy is getting so big!

She is talking SO much more! This past weekend she laid in bed at 2:30 in the morning talking to herself for a half hour. Sounds like a mix between an "ah" and "ugh." And she cracks me up! She has also been putting anyhing and everything she can get her hands on in her mouth! An arm while I'm changing her, a blanket, shoe string, toy, any part of her plug, and so much more! She got these really cute webble wobble things this weekend for Easter and LOVED them because they fit just right in her mouth! I'm pretty sure she is getting some teeth on the bottom!

She is getting longer hairs on top of her head that stick straight up most of the time! She is able to put her plug in her mouth about 90% of the time, as long as she has the right end facing her. The sitter and I talked about giving her more ounces per feeding, so she went from 4 ounces to 5 ounces. Which we've been doing and so we're on more of a schedule. She wakes up, eats, plays, and then takes a nap all within about 3 hours. In the morning she goes a little longer between feedings, about 4 hours or so. So we're not getting up as often at night, but still getting up. Getting her down at night and for naps has been a bit harder and I'm needing to rock her to sleep and can't put her down until I know for sure she is dead asleep. But, I like that Mommy-Raelynn time. I don't get much of it durring the day when I'm at work.
Raelynn LOVES to stand ever since we put her in a walker to play with toys.

She rotates between that and the floor, where she is rolling and scooting all over the place. Sometimes she sits in her bouncy chair to watch me in the kitchen. I don't dare leave her on the changing table anymore because I'm afraid she will roll over. I've had to make bumpers for her bed because she was getting appendiges stuck in the slats.
She loves watching the dogs and her favorite seems to be Bandit. She watches him and Dad run around the circle. And he seems to like and want to lay by her more than Rowdy. It probably doesn't help when Dad tries to get Raelynn to ride Rowdy. :)
Our little princess is growing up so fast and it has been so fun getting to see her learn something new every day! She loves going to the sitters and watching the kids and the darn tv, which she can spot a mile away! I love how she lights up when she sees my face or Dad's face and talking to her.
Our lives have changed for the better and I'm so in love with my daughter! I can't wait to see what she will show us in her 4th month!

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